What Makes You, You?

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

What Makes Us, Who We Are?

 DNA- What can it tell us about human behavior?
I am very intrigued by thought of what makes us, who we are?  Are the decisions we make in life based on our DNA or is it something we learn?  

Watching my two boys grow into young men, I can’t help but wonder what they are going to be like as adults?  Who are they going to “take after”?  Are they going to have my shy and reserved attitude or will they have my husband’s risky demeanor and his slick way with words?  Or, will they each have the perfect combination, of the two?  Will the traits that they have now, as young children, carry on into their adult lives?  Later, when they are faced with tough decisions, will the choices they make be based on their genetics or will it stem from observation and things they were taught during childhood? 
I don’t know if I dwell over this more than most parents, or if it something each of us wonder as we are raising our children. Maybe, I wonder about it because of my own childhood and the situations I observed while growing up or maybe it is because of the families I come into contact with at work, each day.  I often think when I see a young child that is living in a less than ideal situation, what will that child will be like when they are an adult?  Will they follow into a their parents poor behavioral patterns or will they learn to make better decisions?  

With my research and blogging, I want to find out how much of our behavior and personal choices are really up to us and how much is apart of our DNA?  I think a lot of my research will be based upon studies and opinions of professional psychologists and scientists.  I should be able to find many different scholarly articles and books, written by professionals with a lot of experience.  This has been a topic that has been debated for many years.  I can’t wait to learn more about the psychology and/or science behind human behavior.   



  1. I think you are going to find a lot of research related to your question, but not a lot of answers. Since long before Piaget (if you have not run into information on him, yet, you will) the question you are asking has been debated. I learned in psych 101 that Frankenstein by Mary Shelley was actually about this. The idea that one is not born pre-disposed to certain behaviors. Now we call it genes, in the 19th century it was "God's will," but the concept, and the question has been around for a long time. Before the doctors and psychologists and behaviorists have their way, what do you think? Do you think genes can overcome upbringing? Or the reverse, that upbringing can overcome genes? What about the soul? If humans have souls, does that have a say in what genes and what aspects of one's upbringing follow one?

  2. I look forward to seeing what you write next in your blog about how our children become who they are as adults. I too have always wondered how we develop our traits to become the adults we are today and how my children are going to develop their traits. This inquiry is going to be a challenge to sift through the sources to ensure your getting non bias information. There is a lot more theories then fact on this subject. I am very interested on following your blog to see what you find in your research.Good luck!

  3. Hi April,
    If someone asked me my thoughts about this subject, my initial response would be yes, kinda. I only say this because I believe there has to be something in the genes that bring about the like behavior of our parents. Growing up without knowing my father, my mother would always tell me that I reminded her of him. Not just in appearance, but in the gestures and temperament. With that said, behavior can be changed and what someone decides to do and be is their choice. I think without teaching healthy behaviors to our children, there is a risk that they would handle situations just like we did before we learned better. I am truly intrigued by your blog, and anticipate the outcome. I look forward to finding what truly makes us, us.

  4. Your topic is very interesting to me because it is something I have always wondered about. I think that parents can have an influence in their child's behavior but I also believe that we each make our own choices and decide what path we want to take in life.
