What Makes You, You?

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Final Blog

When I first thought of this inquiry question, I really had the presumption that environment had more of an influence on a person’s behavior.  I have always thought of behavior and personality traits, as something that a person could easily change and mold; depending on their surroundings.  Now, that I have done some research, I can really see how it is a combination of both environment and genetics.  I say this because I don’t think it is fair to say, that it can only be environment or that it can only be genes that makes a person who they are.  There are plenty of examples of people that grow up in a "good" family with positive influences and they still end up making bad life decisions.  And yet, there is also the opposite of situations, where people have rough childhoods and have no positive role models and yet they succeed beyond imagination.  


Even though, I believe this is a subject that will never have a concrete answer that every person can agree to, I do feel that with research and technology, we are getting a lot closer to understanding the possibilities of controlling and changing our own behavior.  

With all of this continued research and science, I would love to know more about which personality traits are more affected by our DNA and which traits can be influenced or changed by our environment?  And if the environment can change the physicality of our genes, and if that influences them to be "turned on" or "turned off", which process or therapies work best to make this happen?  Is this the key to helping people overcome bad behavior, addiction or even the curse of a genetic disease?

With the next project I feel strongly that I want to argue that it does take both environmental influence and genetic factors to give us our individual personalities. Even though, I have found some great sources, that have put a good argument for each side, I personally don’t see how traits can only be influenced by one factor. 

Both articles “Study Finds that Nature Beats Nurture in Character Traits” by Janice Wood and “Determining Nature Vs. Nurture” by Douglas Steinberg are both very convincing in stating their arguments.  I think Wood’s article is very persuasive showing that genetics can have a significant effect on behavior traits.  On the opposing side Steinberg’s argument is more persuasive, since it is proved by scientific evidence.  I feel that with actual new technology showing the physical changes in molecules surrounding and effecting genes, this helps win the current debate of “Genetics Vs. Environment”. 

1 comment:

  1. Great blog April! I was just as curious to the results uncovered as you researched this topic. From the beginning, I leaned more towards the environment side. But now with all the evidence you have shown, I feel the same way you do. This question can be a single factor. I seems logical that both genetics and environment both play vital parts in someones behavior. When you mentioned that even children that grew up in good homes and were raised right still had the chance to get into trouble, it reminded me of some children born with a silver spoon born in their mouth. They don't have to work for anything and take for granted what their family worked hard to achieve. You would think that because of the parents having so much drive and dedication to making more out of life, that automatically the child would too. But instead most times they have a sense of entitlement and have a hard time adjusting to real life. I encourage you to keep researching and move forward with your new topic of how both genetics and environment play a role in behavior.
